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Don’t let your strategic plan SINK

By MIT CIO | May 11, 2008

Does your IT strategic plan read like a laundry list of to-dos?  Technical chores that add up to form a plan.  Check out how your strategic plan measures up against Gartner’s list of top 10 mistakes that people do when defining their strategic plan –,289142,sid182_gci1312742,00.html

And while you are on the topic of strategy, do you think the word strategy is being over-used in your environment?  In my experience I have found that many people append the word strategy to any idea or plan.   It’s almost like you need the S word to make people sit up and listen!

CIOs indeed need to ensure that the armies of technical gurus who convert bits and bytes to world-class customer and business experience really have an opportunity to understand what the core strategy of the business is.  This communication needs to be clear and compelling so that everyone knows exactly how their pieces of the puzzle tie in to the larger strategy.

Do your associates really understand the strategy?  The enterprise strategy and the supporting technology strategy?  Can you really differentiate between the strategy, the tactics and the operational plans required to sustain a business?

While you consider the over-hyped and over-used words, add synergy, buzz and business-alignment to your list.  Now look at Gartner’s list and let us know how strategic your plans are!

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