Does your IT strategic plan read like a laundry list of to-dos? Technical chores that add up to form a plan. Check out how your strategic plan measures up against Gartner’s list of top 10 mistakes that people do when defining their strategic plan –,289142,sid182_gci1312742,00.html And while you are on the topic of strategy, […]
From mpc managed desktops and Information Builders business intelligence solutions to ShoreTel VoIP solutions, see what mid-market CIOs liked at a recent event in Orlando Florida. More than 300 senior technology executives from the mid-market sector gathered to examine some blazing, a few established and many interesting technology products and solutions. Find out what they liked […]
Do you use Cloud computing to virtually expand your technology capabilities? Read all about the rage that is Cloud computing in a recent New York Times feature – Whether you view a narrow wisp of Cloud computing or take a global view where you include anything outside “your” network find out who the key […]
Gartner analysts gazed into the crystal ball and identified the top 10 disruptive technologies. If Augmented Reality, Context-Aware, Mashups and Enterprise Social Software with it’s characteristic chaotic co-production are not part of lexicon, get ready. The next wave of disruptive technologies span the gamut from pure tech to changing how we humans fundamentally may interact […]