The 8th annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is fast approaching. On May 18, this one-day, international conference for CIOs and IT leaders, will take place on MIT campus. In plenary sessions as well as more intimate panels, leading academics from MIT join CIOs from leading companies including Brad Peterson,CIO, Charles Schwab, Kirsten O. Wolberg, CIO, […]
Posted Under: Business & Strategy,Cloud Computing,Economics: IT Staffing & Discretionary Budgets,Enterprise 2.0 & Social Media,Enterprise 3.0,Improving Workforce Efficiency & Reducing IT Barriers,innovation,IT Governance,Social Responsibility & the Role of IT in Making Green Companies,The Latest Word,Virtual Organizations
This post was written by Graham_Rong on May 2, 2011
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The Mobility and Extended Enterprise Panels will help bring a practical perspective to the question of how to leverage mobility and extended enterprise applications to achieve operational success. [Register Today:] Managing The Extended Enterprise The classical vertically integrated enterprise has given way to the multi-company ecosystem in many industries creating new opportunities, but also […]
As the world economy emerges from a painful recession, organizations are challenged to retain bottom-line diligence while pursuing market sustaining and gaining innovation, in an environment riddled with uncertainty, increased regulation, consumer reluctance and tighter credit. To execute in this “new normal”, organizations seek new ideas and techniques to optimize business operations and foster business […]
The Academic Keynote Panel of the MITSloan CIO Symposium offers a unique lens on the future of digital business, and this year’s panel takes a broader technology view that will bring the horizon closer. Moderated by Jason Pontin of the MIT-published Technology Review, the panelists are an all-star cast of academics from across the Institute. […]
Highlighting Early-Stage Companies at the Forefront of Technology On May 18th, the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium will unveil to the global CIO community its 2nd annual Innovation Showcase. The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is pleased to contribute to the MIT community’s long standing tradition of entrepreneurship by featuring the Innovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase connects […]