Cloud Computing- The Lighter Side
“IT’S CLOUD COMPUTING” is the latest parody by Sun attorney Bruce Kerr re Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now”
“IT’S CLOUD COMPUTING” is the latest parody by Sun attorney Bruce Kerr re Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now”
Debating the meaning of ‘cloud computing’ has become a popular pastime among analysts, journalists, vendors and even customers. The latest entrant into the discussion is the Wall Street Journal which published an article Thursday entitled, “The Internet Industry Is on a Cloud — Whatever That May Mean.” (Registration may be required.) In addition to raising […]
Web 2.0 governing: Citizens get a chance to pose questions to President Obama
Much has been made of President Obama’s use of a BlackBerry and how it symbolizes his understanding of the transformational power of information technology. Yet beyond his addiction to mobile e-mail, this president has done a few other things in his short tenure that spotlight his understanding of the power of IT. The first was […]
Nick Carr, author of “The Big Switch” discusses the inevitable transition to utility computing and why IT would be wise to brace itself.