This is the MIT CIO Symposium blog. We invite participation from speakers, sponsors, attendees, and interested parties.

Symposium Partner Event in UK: The Changing Nature of Innovation and the Role of the CIO to Drive and Lead the Opportunity

As the global economy slowly begins to emerge from the downturn, companies are evolving their focus on cost cutting to look for opportunities to emerge in the new “normal” more competitive and positioned for growth.  The role of technology in innovating out of the downturn is far-reaching, and the opportunities for CIOs to take the […]

Why are 50% of IT executives expecting pay increases this year?

2009 saw increased pressure on IT leaders like yourself to do more than ever with fewer resources. Why then, are 50% of IT executives expecting pay increases this year? What should your outlook be for the rest of 2010? From the recent salary and careers survey, access feedback from nearly 1,000 of your peers […]

eHealth Panel – The CIOs Role in Delivering New Models of Care

The Healthcare Sector in the United States is going to change in the very near future. Join us on May 19 as our panel of industry experts discuss the implications across all industry segments. As the aging population grows and cost of health care rises, the concept of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) is emerging. The […]

Integrating and leveraging social media in your organization’s marketing strategy

“Social media” has become such a popular buzz word today… From board rooms to everyday conversations, you’ll not go without hearing those words several times. And yes that has also led to  every organization jumping onto the bandwagon – creating groups on facebook, linkedin, twitter, posting videos on youtube, pictures on flickr, starting blogs and […]

From machines to humans – how virtual are we getting?

Thanks to the green initiatives and cost-cuttings the latest buzz word in the high tech echelons today is virtualization – from machines to teams to supply chain to consumers… all are virtually getting connected in a huge complex matrix. However some of the biggest challenges in making this matrix work efficiently have not only been […]